Chemical Storage Tanks in Steel Plants
Chemicals used in the process of manufacturing steel can be found in storage tanks of many shapes and sizes around steel mills across the world. Maintaining adequate stocks of chemicals is critical to the manufacturing process, as is the safe and efficient handling, neutralization, and disposal of post-process solutions such as spent acid and acid-contaminated water coming out of the plant.
Given the highly corrosive nature of many of these chemicals, level instrumentation must be chosen carefully to ensure suitability for the internal environment in these tanks. A simple and effective solution for chemical tank level measurement is the Hycontrol Microflex-D. The Microflex-D is a compact ultrasonic level transmitter with integrated transducer. The standard PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride) transducer body is compatible with a great many chemicals, including acids such as 355 hydrofluoric acid, a highly aggressive substance found in many steel mills. It is loop powered with HART communications to simplify connection with PLC’s and local supervisory control systems. With a measuring range of 12 meters / 40 feet, the Microflex-D can be configured to display and transmit level or volume. Setup is carried out via an integral display and keypad in the transmitter head.
Level Measurement in Chocolate Manufacturing
Accurate monitoring of the level in stainless steel tanks holding warmed chocolate positioned next to confectionery production lines is vitally important to ensure uninterrupted operation. Level in these tanks is maintained to allow a continuous stream of chocolate to be delivered to the line for coating and forming individual chocolate products. At first glance, these are simple measurements, but operational factors such as varying temperature, slow moving stirrers, and the coating nature of chocolate itself can all affect accuracy and reliability.
Fitting a non-contact measurement such as the Hycontrol Microflex-D ultrasonic level sensor can greatly improve tank level measurement. The high accuracy Microflex-D is a two-wire loop powered instrument that can be easily configured to measure distance, level and volume. The Microflex-D’s advanced echo processing software ensures that spurious signals from the vessels’ stirrers are ignored and the instrument tracks the true level of chocolate to the bottom of the tanks. In parallel, the integral temperature compensated ultrasonic transducer makes sure that changes in temperature of the heated chocolate within the vessel do not adversely affect measuring accuracy.
Open Channel Flow Measurement of Water and Waste Water
Open channel flow measurement devices such as weirs and flumes are used widely to produce flow measurements in open channels or pipelines that are not ordinarily full known. They work by measuring the liquid head behind an obstruction or restriction in the flowing stream. The greater the flow, the higher the developed head. Ultrasonic level transmitters are commonly used to monitor and report the level in open channel flow devices.
These devices are particularly useful when large flows are measured or where large volumes of liquid are handled. They are commonly used for the accumulative measurement of large amounts of waste water, particularly in industrial applications (i.e., from food and beverage plants) where there is a requirement to measure the post-production waste water for cost purposes.
Hycontrol Microflex-D ultrasonic flow transmitters are ideal for open channel flow measurements. With a narrow measurement beam of just 7°, they operate well in the confined spaces often associated with open channel systems. The ability to input a strapping table allows for volume flow to be directly measured based upon the channel geometry.
Level Measurement in Sewage Lift Stations
Using an ultrasonic level transmitter in a sewage lift station offers several distinct advantages. Unlike traditional float or pressure-based sensors, ultrasonic transmitters measure level without being in contact with the sewage stream and are therefore not susceptible to fouling or clogging. The non-contact nature of ultrasonic level transmitters means that maintenance requirements are very low, a particularly beneficial feature in sewage lift stations where the presence of debris, sludge, or chemicals can pose health and safety risks to personnel. It also minimizes the risk of incorrect level and provides reliable and precise readings over long periods of time which in turn reduces pump failures or overflow incidents and ultimately repair costs.
Hycontrol Microflex-D ultrasonic level transmitters are manufactured from corrosion resistant materials, making them suitable for both industrial and municipal sewage applications. They are compact and can be easily and quickly mounted into existing sewage lift station infrastructure. Moreover, Microflex-D transmitters can be easily programmed and configured to accommodate different tank sizes and shapes, making them suitable for a wide range of applications. A straightforward setup and configuration process saves time and effort during installation, ensuring minimal disruption to lift station operations.
Using effective communication and an in-depth understanding of your industry to develop practical solutions for your measurement needs.
3845 Buffalo Road
Auburn, CA 95602
Tel: (+1) 925-461-5059